Digital farming
What type of digital service could add value to the professional life of German farmers? What do they want from the digital documentation of their fieldwork? In this strategic project, I led an innovation process to find out the answer to this question.
Develop a high potential Value Proposition for a digital farming service
YARA Digital Farming
Target group:
German farmers
Product strategy
- Value Proposition Canvas
- Disruptive innovation
- Job-to-be-done
- Team workshops
- Design Planning
UX research
- Customer interviews
- Online ad testing
- Desk research
Apart from their actual agricultural work, German farmers need to do a lot of work on documenting how their fields are seeded, fertilized, and treated with pesticides. How could they be helped in the best way? What kind of value could a digital service possibly bring to them?
To find this out, I suggested using the Value Proposition Canvas from the consulting firm Strategyzer, an established tool to map customer needs and ideate products and services.
Based on the company's existing research, service drafts were developed and validated using telephone interviews and the testing of advertisements to ensure both the addressed problem was relevant and the ideated solution was acceptable to the customer.
In the final documentation, a quotient for the probability of success was determined from the evaluations of these two criteria. Surprisingly, the results showed that the service design with the highest solution relevance received the lowest acceptance, very similar to an unpleasant but necessary activity.
A detailed article I published on the Medium platform describes the project in more detail.