Platform transformation
As a part of Zalando's platform transformation, I supported the Brand Solutions team and designed, tested and iterated a Minimum Viable Product for the article and order management. Apart from a user-centered design process, particular attention was given to the close communication and lean collarboration with technical development and engineers.
Enable fashion sellers to manage their articles and orders.
Target group:
Small to medium-size merchants
Experience Design
- (Proto-)Personas
- Use cases
- Information architecture
- User flows
- Paper prototyping
- Wireframes
- Visual mockups
- Digital prototyping
- Pattern library
- Lean UX
Design Research
- Customer interviews
- Usability testings
- Analytics
- Net Promotor Score
Zalando‘s department Brand Solutions cares for brand relations and enables sellers to independently manage their articles and incoming orders in Zalando shop.
By constantly validating user-related assumptions and interface designs in a lean process, an MVP was designed and iterated, containing tested interaction flows and navigations to add articles into the Zalando shop and handle customer orders until theirvery deliveries.
The whole product was designed as a responsive, web-based service, optimized to be easily used on smartphones, tablets anddesktop computers.
Process artefacts

Proto-personas for different customer types
Hypothetical customer stereotypes as a starting point for validation

Team ideation sketches from Design Studio workshop
Team ideation sketches from Design Studio workshop

Evaluation of UX research results
Clustering findings from interviews and identifying patterns

Smartphone view of article overview & main menu
A pocket fashion stock for a new mobile age

Checking article details on small screens
Small screens do not have to limit the overview

Tablet view of article details
Portable, still spacious management of article details

Desktop view of article overview
Maintaining and updating articles and orders on large screens